Gender-inclusive writing: Use the pronoun “who”


Du contenu semblable en français est présenté dans l’article Écriture inclusive : reformulations.

Pour plus d’information sur l’écriture inclusive en français, veuillez consulter la page Écriture inclusive – Lignes directrices et ressources.

Section: Inclusive writing

Go to the main page of this section: Inclusive writing – Guidelines and resources.

On this page


Occasionally, using the relative pronoun “who” (or its forms “whom” and “whose”) can make your writing gender-inclusive.

Example of a gendered sentence and an inclusive solution
Gendered sentence Inclusive solution
If an applicant disagrees with the tribunal’s decision, he may appeal to a higher court. An applicant who disagrees with the tribunal’s decision may appeal to a higher court.

Guidelines for using the pronoun “who”

This technique applies to a very specific situation: it can be used when the sentence contains a clause beginning with “when” or “if” (or a synonym such as “provided that,” “on condition that” or “as long as”). If this is the case, removing the gendered pronoun and restructuring your sentence with “who,” “whom” or “whose” will make your sentence inclusive.

Examples of gendered sentences and their inclusive solutions
Gendered sentence Inclusive solution
When a child comes to school with flu symptoms, he or she will be sent home. A child who comes to school with flu symptoms will be sent home.
A firefighter is qualified to inspect your home for fire safety if she has taken the required training. A firefighter who has taken the required training is qualified to inspect your home for fire safety.
A client is entitled to a refund from a defaulting contractor, on condition that the client has entered into a valid contract with him. A client is entitled to a refund from a defaulting contractor with whom the client has entered into a valid contract.
This tax-saving measure will benefit any single parent, provided her children are eligible under the program. This tax-saving measure will benefit any single parent whose children are eligible under the program.

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