flack, flak, flak-catcher


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

Flak is anti-aircraft fire.

  • Pilots flying over enemy territory were in constant fear of being hit by flak.

When used figuratively, flak is also a hostile reaction.

  • When educators make controversial statements about standardized testing, they can expect a lot of flak.

The term flak-catchers was coined by the essayist Tom Wolfe to describe people whose job is to shield their boss from negative reactions.

  • The CEO of the troubled corporation appeared suddenly, surrounded by his flak-catchers.

Flack, in addition to being a variant spelling of flak, is also an informal term for a publicist.

  • The term flack for a press agent is said to have come from the name of a famous 1930’s publicist, Gene Flack.

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