favour, favourable, favouritism


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

In such words as favour, Canadians generally prefer the British ending ‑our to the American ending –or (as in favor).

  • Union members voted 92% in favour of accepting the new contract.

Words formed from the root favour are also usually written with the ‑our spelling in Canada.

  • Paola wore her best suit to the interview, hoping to make a favourable impression.
  • Charlottetown is the favourite destination of many Quebecers.
  • A governor general is not permitted to show any political favouritism.

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© Sa Majesté le Roi du chef du Canada, représenté par le ou la ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement
Un outil créé et mis en ligne par le Bureau de la traduction, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada

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