Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.
Capitalize references to specific parts of a document. These include certain common nouns in the singular (e.g. act, chapter, figure) when they are used in text references with numbers or letters indicating place, position or major division in a sequence. Also capitalize a letter following such a term (e.g. Appendix D):
- Act II
- Appendix B
- Chapter 3
- Chart 2
- Corollary 1
- Exhibit A
- Figure 7
- Plate 4
- Scene iii
- Table 3
- Theorem 3
- Volume 13
In addition, capitalize cross-references within a book when they refer to a particular section:
- Further readings are listed in the Bibliography.
- See the Appendix for urban statistics.
Informal references to chapter and topic titles may be capitalized and written without italics or quotation marks:
His topics included Northern Travel, Survival on the Road, and Basic Maintenance.
When not to capitalize
Do not capitalize minor subdivisions such as page, note, line, paragraph and verse:
- See page 6, line 48.
Do not capitalize section when it is used for part of a law or set of regulations, but do capitalize it if it refers to a large subdivision of a report, book or other document:
- under section 23 of the Act
- Volume 10, Section 5
Do not capitalize words referring to parts of a book when they are used in a general sense, are preceded by modifiers, or are in plural forms:
- The theory will be discussed in the next chapter.
- The appendixes outline other migration patterns.
- Even Miller’s extensive bibliography is not complete.
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