Test yourself—The ups and downs of capitalization


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

Choose the correct word. Read the article The ups and downs of capitalization to help you out.

1. After careful thought, Jeff decided to trade his goldfish, (Wanda/wanda), for a pet tarantula.
2. The committee of concerned parents has submitted a proposal outlining ways to raise funds for a new daycare at the (University/university).
3. Researchers are learning more every year about how to diagnose and treat (Alzheimer’s/alzheimer’s) disease.
4. If you would like to supply goods or services to the federal government, you should register for a BN (Business Number/business number).
5. Ernestina longs for fame—not a fleeting moment on (YouTube/Youtube), but a career that lasts for years and brings untold wealth.
6. After walking for two hours along the cold, snowy trails of the (National Park/national park), they went for sundaes at Dairy Queen.

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