incarner: suggested translations

Consult this page to find suggested English equivalents for "incarner."

be, be a reflection of, be a symbol of, be symbolic of, be the embodiment of, be the epitome of, be the incarnation of, be typical of, demonstrate, embody, epitomize, exemplify, incarnate, personify, play, portray, reflect, represent, show, stand for, symbolize, typify

  • la politique doit incarner la transparence / the policy must be transparent
  • la langue incarne nos valeurs / language is a reflection of (reflects) our values
  • incarner les valeurs d’équité et de compassion qui sont chères à notre société / be a symbol of (be symbolic of, symbolize) our society’s core values of equity and compassion
  • nos soldats incarnent le devoir et le courage / our soldiers are the embodiment of (embody) duty and courage
  • cette équipe incarne le dévouement et la persévérance / this team is the epitome of (epitomizes) dedication and perseverance
  • nos élus incarnent la volonté de la population / our elected representatives are the incarnation of (incarnate) the will of the people
  • la Fondation incarne notre détermination à supprimer le racisme / the Foundation demonstrates (shows) our commitment toward eradicating racism
  • les jeunes incarnent le cœur et l’esprit de notre collectivité / young people exemplify the heart and soul of our community
  • il a incarné la confiance du peuple en lui-même / he incarnated the people’s confidence in themselves
  • le Bluenose incarne l’excellence des marins canadiens / the Bluenose personifies Canada’s seafaring excellence
  • incarner un personnage dans une télésérie / play (portray) a character in a television series
  • ce rapport incarne la vision du ministère / the report represents the department’s vision
  • incarner la volonté de travailler ensemble / show (demonstrate) willingness to work together
  • le drapeau incarne le principe de la démocratie / the flag stands for (represents) the principle of democracy
  • ceci incarne l’appui communautaire qui existe au sein d’organismes bénévoles / this typifies (is typical of) the community support that exists in volunteer organizations

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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada

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