animer: suggested translations

Consult this page to find suggested English equivalents for "animer."

animate, conduct, deliver, direct, drive, facilitate, give, guide, hold, host, lead, moderate, operate, organize, run, spark, spearhead, staff, steer

  • rien ne semble les animer autant qu’un débat / nothing seems to animate them more than a debate
  • animer des ateliers / conduct (give) workshops
  • animer un colloque sur le plan d’action / deliver a seminar on the policy framework
  • animer le débat et obtenir des réponses claires / direct (drive, steer) the debate to obtain clear answers
  • engager un cabinet de consultants pour animer les séances / hire a consulting firm to facilitate the sessions
  • le code d’honneur qui doit animer tous les partis / a code of honour that should guide all parties
  • animer des groupes de réflexion / hold focus groups
  • animer une vente aux enchères pour amasser des fonds / host an auction to raise funds
  • animer un forum / lead a forum
  • animer la discussion en groupe / moderate the panel discussion
  • animer un stand d’information au colloque / operate (staff) an information booth at the symposium
  • animer les activités autour de ces sites historiques / organize events around these historical sites
  • nommer les personnes qui vont animer le projet / appoint people to run the project
  • animer le débat / spark the debate
  • animer un courant politique de droite / spearhead a political shift to the right

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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada

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