Pesky prepositions: Choose correctly!

Do you say immune from or immune to death? Are you free of headaches or free from headaches? For those of you who like a challenge, here is a short quiz on prepositional usage.

1. New mothers and fathers are often anxious Placeholder for the answer their parenting skills.
2. Tristan was anxious Placeholder for the answer Iseult's delay.
3. No one is immune Placeholder for the answer death.
4. Julie thought she was immune Placeholder for the answer chicken pox, but there she lies, itching and uncomfortable.
5. With his scientific background, Canadian Chris Hadfield is suited Placeholder for the answer his job as an astronaut.
6. These hybrid roses are suited Placeholder for the answer colder climates.
7. The best thing about vacations is being free Placeholder for the answer the daily grind.
8. Saviz has been free Placeholder for the answer headaches for several weeks.