Wily word pairs: Which will you choose?

Do you enjoy dessert or desert after dinner? Similar-sounding words are often confused. See if you can choose the correct word in each example below. It's not as easy as it sounds!

1. Holly is such a rebel! She’s always Placeholder for the answer the rules!
2. Jeremy had to Placeholder for the answer his date that he would be late for dinner.
3. My grandmother makes the most wonderful black Placeholder for the answer jam!
4. Many scientists believe that human activity is causing Placeholder for the answer changes.
5. The students were Placeholder for the answer for their rowdy behaviour.
6. We decided to go with a light-coloured Placeholder for the answer for our living room and kitchen walls.
7. In his speech, the politician Placeholder for the answer that the problems were the fault of the former government.
8. Samantha’s testimony struck a Placeholder for the answer with many of the people present.
9. A blanket was used to Placeholder for the answer the accident victim’s shivering body.
10. Who can say no to Placeholder for the answer!