Verb tenses in storytelling

Who doesn't love to gather around the fireside and tell stories, true or imaginary!

But in any story, it is the verbs that carry the action forward; so to tell a story well, you need to conjugate your verbs correctly! In each of the sentences below, see if you can choose the correct verb.

1. I Placeholder for the answer by the roadside for three hours when help arrived.
2. The boat and its crew Placeholder for the answer tossed about by the furious waves.
3. If the sentry had not been sleeping, he Placeholder for the answer have raised the alarm in time.
4. In the very heart of the forest, there Placeholder for the answer a powerful wizard.
5. If I Placeholder for the answer the sign more carefully, I would have found the shelter.
6. "Placeholder for the answer I get you another flask of potion?" the druid asked.
7. "No, indeed, it is you who Placeholder for the answer mistaken!" she exclaimed.
8. Grudgingly, the leprechaun Placeholder for the answer Maeve three wishes on her last birthday.
9. More than one elf Placeholder for the answer in these ancient woodlands.
10. In distant fields full of wildflowers and weeds Placeholder for the answer a strange herb.