Than vs. then: Choose correctly

Most people confuse the words than and then at least once! Here are some tips to help you decide which one to use:

  • Are you making a comparison? Use than.
  • Can you replace the word with next, in addition or therefore? Use then.

Try this quiz to see if you know the difference.

1. More swallowtail butterflies are found in Eastern Ontario Placeholder for the answer along Lake Erie.
2. Click on the hyperlink and Placeholder for the answer scroll down the page.
3. Dominique would rather do homework Placeholder for the answer go to the dentist.
4. No one other Placeholder for the answer Abdul saw the comet.
5. John has little free time. He has lots of homework. Placeholder for the answer, on top of that, he has chores and an after-school job.
6. The Placeholder for the answer mayor made history when he agreed to the plans.
7. Azelda is two inches taller Placeholder for the answer Reuben.
8. You haven't finished the report? Placeholder for the answer you'll have to work late.