Mental health in the workplace

No matter where you work, mental health is just as important as physical health. That's why employers are increasingly taking steps to support employees' mental well-being.

To brush up on your knowledge of mental health terminology, check out the Workplace mental health glossary. Then, try this quiz to learn about some concepts related to mental health in the workplace and test your language skills!

1. Companies can foster good employee morale by providing opportunities for professional development, seeking feedback, and Placeholder for the answer.
2. Involving employees in decision-making and clearly defining their roles and responsibilities are Placeholder for the answer ways employers can promote mental health.
3. Placeholder for the answer that support physical health, such as lunchtime yoga and step count challenges, also support mental health and work-life balance.
4. Employees who achieve a healthy work-life balance are likely to have Placeholder for the answer absences.
5. It's important for employers to provide safe spaces where employees can talk openly without fearing negative Placeholder for the answer for their career.
6. When employees want to discuss a problem or concern, it's important to take a non-judgmental approach to listening Placeholder for the answer they feel heard and valued.
7. Flexible work arrangements allow employees to choose a schedule or work set-up that differs Placeholder for the answer typical work arrangements.
8. An employee assistance program provides a short-term, confidential Placeholder for the answer service for employees experiencing personal difficulties.
9. Factors that influence workplace well-being Placeholder for the answer autonomy, job control and organizational culture.
10. Employees can contribute to their own mental and physical well-being by practising Placeholder for the answer.