Pronoun case with comparisons 2

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Unlike nouns, pronouns change their form depending on what they are doing in the sentence. As a result, writers are often confused about whether to use a subject pronoun (I, he, she, we, they) or an object pronoun (me, him, her, us, them). They are even more confused when the pronoun follows a comparison. In the comparisons below, choose the correct subject or object pronoun.

Tip: Words are usually left out of sentences with comparisons. To choose the correct pronoun, complete the comparison by mentally adding the missing words. For instance, when the words in brackets are added to the following examples, it becomes easier to see what pronoun is needed: Ted is as tall as I [am]. You gave a bigger piece of cake to Sylvie than [you gave to] me.

1. There are others worse off than Placeholder for the answer.
2. You gave them more cookies than Placeholder for the answer!
3. No one makes a meaner chili than Placeholder for the answer.
4. We are as thrilled as Placeholder for the answer by the news.
5. The compliment was meant for you more than Placeholder for the answer.
6. Katie is as tall as Placeholder for the answer.
7. This turn of events pleases Nina as much as Placeholder for the answer.