Pronoun case

Is it I or me? He or him? She or her?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. But unlike nouns, pronouns change their form. If the pronoun is a subject or subject complement, it must be in the subject form (I, he, she, we, they). But when the pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition, it must be in the object form (me, him, her, us, them). In the questions below, choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Tip: When the pronoun is joined to other subjects or objects, omit the extra words, and then try each pronoun in the sentence. For example: Rick and (I, me) went to a movie. When you take out the extra subject Rick (along with the joining word and), it’s easy to see the right answer: I went to a movie.

1. Silvana and Placeholder for the answer skated the entire Rideau Canal.
2. The team leader assigned the task to Rhonda and Placeholder for the answer.
3. It’s up to Placeholder for the answer parents to make sure our children have happy childhoods.
4. Claudio went shopping with Amanda and Placeholder for the answer.
5. The only ones who participated in the event were Raphaël and Placeholder for the answer.
6. Jean, Eric and Placeholder for the answer spent the day skiing at Mont Tremblant.
7. It was Placeholder for the answer who ate all the gingersnap cookies.