Orderly adjectives

In English, a series of adjectives before a noun is often cumulative, so that they build meaning progressively in one direction and are not reversible. For example, one adjective might modify another (light blue sky), or one adjective might modify the unit formed by the next adjective plus the noun (shiny new car).

Cumulative adjectives are usually arranged in a specific order from left to right, according to the type of adjective: determiner (a, the, some, many, etc.); opinion (good, difficult, important, etc.); size; age; shape; colour; origin; material; purpose; noun used as an adjective.

On the basis of this information, see if you can select the usual order for the adjectives in the following sentences.

1. Placeholder for the answer boys waited impatiently in line to audition for the role of Dennis the Menace.
2. Irene used her Placeholder for the answer tablecloth to dress her table for Easter brunch.
3. Roberto purchased a Placeholder for the answer divider for his loft to separate his office space from his living room.
4. Lilly picked up a Placeholder for the answer bottle on her recent trip to Italy.
5. The afterschool activities program owes its success in large part to the Placeholder for the answer volunteers.
6. The grocery store chain dramatically increased sales with the development of Placeholder for the answer app.
7. A Placeholder for the answer bench is a stylish alternative to shelves for additional storage space.
8. Bridget just made an offer on Placeholder for the answer house.