Welsh and English look-alikes

While English and Welsh exist harmoniously in Wales and Canada today, they do share some false friends—words that look alike but have different meanings.

See if you can spot these deceptively similar words by selecting the false friend that correctly conveys both the English and Welsh meanings in the questions below.

1. In English, a Placeholder for the answer is a stupid or foolish person. In Welsh, the same word is the name for orange root vegetables rich in beta carotene.
2. In English, we wiggle our Placeholder for the answer, but in Welsh they knead this mixture of flour and water to make bread.
3. While in English you might seek comfort in one of these long affectionate hugs, finding a good Placeholder for the answer in Welsh could make you the hide-and-seek champion.
4. A Placeholder for the answer is a brilliant person in English, but in Welsh the word refers to ominous large black birds.
5. In English, we house farm animals in this farmyard structure, but in Welsh a Placeholder for the answer refers to someone’s personal view on a topic.
6. In English, this adjective describes something poorly lit, but in Welsh Placeholder for the answer is a noun synonymous with “zilch.”
7. In English, a Placeholder for the answer doesn’t have to wait to be fed because it can make its own food through photosynthesis. But in Welsh, these little ones have to be fed by adults for several months!
8. If you injure yourself in Wales, telling a Welsh speaker that you’re Placeholder for the answer might not do you any good. He or she might just think you’re simple-minded!