Can you determine which sentence in each question is grammatically correct? Weed out the elusive dangling modifiers, and you’ll find your answer! 1. Question 1Working hard on his assignment, Absalom finally completed it.After finishing his homework, the TV was turned on.Enraptured by the flickering light, the TV stayed on all night.2. Question 2Thankful that the day was over, home seemed like a wonderful idea.A dedicated employee, her hours of overtime were high in number.To thank her, the CEO offered her a raise.3. Question 3Managing his time well, his work was always completed by the deadline.Managing his money, however, was not one of Paul’s strengths.Overwhelmed at times, the phone bill often sat unpaid.4. Question 4Wanting to cheer up her friend, Mumbi mentioned the surprise party.Without realizing it, the surprise was ruined.To cover her tracks, the topic was avoided.5. Question 5A smart girl, her habit of teeth brushing was formed at an early age.Having a dentist for a dad, she always followed his advice.When visiting the dentist, new cavities were never found.