Conjugating verbs to music

Just as music has always been a part of our lives, so have verbs. There's no escaping them!

Can you conjugate the following verbs correctly? To set the mood, we've used the theme of music to keep you from becoming tense!

1. They Placeholder for the answer (to take, simple present) their inspiration from 40s and 50s jazz.
2. She Placeholder for the answer (to go, simple past) to the country and western festival last night.
3. I Placeholder for the answer (to add, present continuous) folk songs by The Good Lovelies to my playlist.
4. We Placeholder for the answer (to go, simple future) to the 70s disco dance party tomorrow night.
5. Reggae Placeholder for the answer (to originate, simple past) in Jamaica in the late 60s.
6. Please Placeholder for the answer (to come, imperative) to the blues concert with me!
7. I wish 90s alternative rock Placeholder for the answer (to be, past subjunctive) back in style!
8. If you were a heavy metal and punk rock fan, you Placeholder for the answer (to like, present conditional) this new group.
9. The media Placeholder for the answer (to name, present perfect) Michael Jackson and Madonna the king and queen of pop music.
10. Many of today's young people Placeholder for the answer (to enjoy, simple present) rap, hip hop and electro.