Capitalization 2

Capitalization rules can cause confusion for many writers. See if you can untangle the web of rules in this quiz! For each question below, decide whether the words in bold font need to be capitalized.

1. A master of wit, author Stephen Leacock once said that "in ancient times, they had no statistics, so they had to fall back on lies."
2. My aunt Joan’s favourite motto was do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
3. Peter the great was made a tsar of Russia at the age of 10.
4. Two members of the local lutheran church attended a two-day summit in Spain.
5. As a child, my grandfather lived through the great depression.
6. The members of that political party have very liberal views on many social issues.
7. In one poem by Confederation poet E. Wetherald, the two opening lines are "Come, o spring! unpack thy leaves, / flood the boughs and flush the gloom."