Amount or number?

Some words are often misused because they have similar meanings. See if you can choose the correct word in the examples below. It's not as easy as it sounds!

1. A large Placeholder for the answer of grain is handled at Thunder Bay.
2. Bridget was taken aback by the Placeholder for the answer of junk emails she received.
3. The Placeholder for the answer of time Mr. Wyzowsky volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club is laudable.
4. The child laughed as a great Placeholder for the answer of cantaloupes rolled down the supermarket aisle.
5. I can count on one hand the Placeholder for the answer of times Mark has been late.
6. During the ice storm of 1998, a huge Placeholder for the answer of people in Quebec had no electrical power.
7. Our charity campaign raised a significant Placeholder for the answer of money.