French proverbs and expressions: Rendez-vous with the Francophonie!

If you’re an English-speaking Canadian, you probably have some knowledge of French; you may even speak it quite fluently. But to know a language really well, you need to be familiar with its proverbs, sayings and idiomatic expressions. Test your knowledge of some common French expressions by trying this quiz!

In the following questions, pick the answer that completes the proverb or idiom correctly.

1. to step on the gas = appuyer sur Placeholder for the answer
2. It’s nothing to write home about (in reference to a sum of money) = C’est pas Placeholder for the answer.
3. to call a spade a spade = appeler un Placeholder for the answer un Placeholder for the answer.
4. Once bitten, twice shy = Chat échaudé craint Placeholder for the answer
5. Speak of the devil = Quand on parle du Placeholder for the answer
6. to throw in the towel = jeter Placeholder for the answer
7. Two heads are better than one = Deux Placeholder for the answer valent mieux qu’un
8. to kill the goose that lays the golden egg = tuer Placeholder for the answer aux œufs d’or
9. a labour of Hercules = un travail de Placeholder for the answer
10. to be fickle in love = avoir un cœur Placeholder for the answer