False friends: Bilinguals beware!

Over the years, English has assimilated many words from French. While some of these French and English words may still look alike, they often have different meanings. In French, these words are known as faux amis; in English, we call them false cognates. In the following quiz, avoid false friends by choosing the right word to fill the blank.

1. Rocco and Renata Placeholder for the answer the premiere of the rock opera together.
2. Our local Placeholder for the answer went bankrupt because more and more people are buying books online.
3. A minority government is the Placeholder for the answer outcome of the next provincial election.
4. Aunt Esmeralda likes to serve her delicious Placeholder for the answer pie with cream cheese and maple syrup.
5. My brother Finnigan's Placeholder for the answer is “The Finnster.”
6. After a long Placeholder for the answer at the office, Anika likes to unwind by taking her dog for a walk in the park.
7. Chase always adds green Placeholder for the answer to his smoothies for extra nutrition.