Warning: Severe weather ahead

Floods, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes and other weather events have a huge impact on those who experience them. So it’s no surprise that they also influence our language! Many meteorological terms are used in figurative expressions.

Test your knowledge of English idioms by choosing the word that is most commonly used in the expressions below.

1. The passenger unleashed Placeholder for the answer of abuse when the flight attendant asked him to change seats.
2. The children tore through the house like Placeholder for the answer.
3. The crowd broke out into Placeholder for the answer applause.
4. At the announcement, a Placeholder for the answer of emotion swept through the crowd.
5. As a child, Jean-Yves had a Placeholder for the answer nature.
6. After the report was leaked, the office received a Placeholder for the answer of emails.
7. The actor has a Placeholder for the answer temperament.
8. The boxer felled her opponent in a Placeholder for the answer of blows.
9. The audience was Placeholder for the answer when the mayor announced his resignation.
10. Amira burst into a Placeholder for the answer of tears.