Official Languages Hub®

Official Languages Hub® update

New resources on official languages, provided by various departments and organizations, are now available on the Official Languages Hub®. Consult the Hub to find all the information you need in one place!

Search by keyword or theme to find a wide variety of official languages resources provided by the Government of Canada.

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About the Official Languages Hub®

The Official Languages Hub® is a useful tool for Canadians who need information on any aspect of official languages. It allows users to simultaneously search a wide variety of official languages resources from various Government of Canada departments and agencies. Use it to find standards and policies, promotion tools, best practices, learning resources and useful information on various aspects of official languages in Canada. For details, see the Official Languages Hub®: Background and introduction page.

To find quick answers to your questions about language and writing in English and French, please use the Language Navigator.

To translate a term or find answers to terminology questions in a specialized field, please consult TERMIUM Plus®.

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Inuk, Inuit (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)

Check out the Translation Bureau’s linguistic recommendation on how to use the words Inuk and Inuit within the federal public service.

Inclusive writing – Guidelines and resources

Looking for tips on writing inclusively in English or French? Consult our Guidelines for Inclusive Writing and our list of resources for inclusive and respectful language.

Dashboard on the status of the language of work recommendations

Recommendations from the report The next level: Normalizing a culture of inclusive linguistic duality in the federal public service workplace: find out how the work is progressing.